
 Collections are custom groupings of related movies, TV shows, and other media. They help you explore content organized by series, franchise, genre, director, actor, or theme.


 Within the Collections page, you’ll notice separators—usually red with an arrow—that indicate different sections or categories.

Some collections feature a purple gear icon, signifying that they are dynamic collections which automatically update when new media is added.

 Most collections contain movies from the same series or franchise.
For example, there are collections for **Ant-Man** and **Thor** that include all released films in those series. The **Marvel** section encompasses the entire franchise series.

After the main sections, you’ll find the **A-Z Collections**.
These collections don’t belong to a specific family but include multiple films from the same franchise or related themes.


Below the A-Z Collections are genre sections, as well as collections grouped by directors and actors.

At the end of the list is the **Oscars** section, which features collections for each Oscar year, listing Best Picture nominees and winners.


 Similarly, though less extensive, are the **TV Show Collections**.
One unique feature here is the **Shuffle Collections**, which contain all episodes of a series and shuffle them daily.

 The **Music** library includes collections based on “moods” that shuffle daily.
While not perfect, these playlists match the intended mood fairly well.

 Lastly, the **MasterClass Collections** group together classes within similar categories, making it easier to find courses that interest you.